That Standards Guy



That Standards Guy is the online persona of Karl Dawson, a web developer living and working in Ipswich, England.

I'm a member of the Guild of Accessible Web Designers and the Web Standards Group and team member at Accessites—an awards site to recognise accessible and usable websites.

I specialise as a front-end developer and worry about the minutae of semantic (X)HTML and CSS, accessibility, microformats, typographic rhythm and grid design. I also care about the user experience and remind myself constantly of visitor site goals when working with clients and their aims.

That Standards Guy is proudly powered by WordPress using my own “StrictlyTSG v3.0” theme. Site Policies.

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So that was atMedia 2007

…and it was OK. I think this is more a reflection on my third-time veteran status and general knowledge level than anything else though. Whilst I didn’t learn a whole bunch of new stuff - it wasn’t very technical / techniques-based this year was it? - there was plenty of inspiration from the presentations and after-conference chatting to be had. The food once again was great and I was very surprised how long that bar tab lasted Thursday - a pity about the music volume again and the fact that we couldn’t drink outside.

  • Best presentation: Nate Koechley’s excellent “High Performance Web Pages”.
  • Inspiration 1: Jon Hicks’ (and Andy Clarke’s) mood board for getting some ideas for a web design. Look out for my mood board on Flickr perhaps as I pull some ideas together for version 3 of this site. I’m not sure if it’s what Andy means by “British” web design but there’ll be some British icons getting stuck to the virtual board…
  • Inspiration 2: Jason Santa Maria. Thank you too.
  • Wouldn’t it be cool if? I was thinking about the new WCAG 2.0 colour contrast ratios and thought that perhaps a tool could be created (you’re going to tell me this is already been done I can tell) that can parse your CSS file, flag a manual check if a background-color property doesn’t have a corresponding color property (and vice versa) and let you know if the ratio is sufficient. I know Gez Lemon’s Firefox extension does the latter but this could be rolled inside Firebug? Actually, my main “wouldn’t it be cool if” point was having browser functionality that done this and knowing the hex values from the CSS and having an internal colour wheel provided a couple of buttons to increase or decrease the contrast whilst sticking to the general colour scheme. Did that make sense? Pipe dream anyways…

As ever, the best bit was meeting old friends and making new ones - if you’re here via a Moo card do say “hi!”.

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One Response to “So that was atMedia 2007”

  1. I have to agree with you in saying that Nate Koechley’s talk was very useful; he gave a bunch of tips which I can actually use on my sites.

    Regarding your own website design, I like the recent changes you’ve made however I’m looking forward to seeing how your mood board develops and how that starts to influence your new ‘British’ take on design.