That Standards Guy!

Ipswich web design and development—with accessibility built–in

Did I just say that?

Somebody shoot me please. Apparently (I had to have the sentence repeated back to me) I said in a meeting this morning “this application is only limited by your requirements and our imagination“. Geez, what a loser. To put context to that awful management-style spouting my .NET programming friend had downloaded the Microsoft eCommerce Starter Kit for a prototype here at work but we need to dumb it down a little (remove the PayPal bit from the workflow) and let me rebuild the HTML and CSS to meet my high standards (oh and the corporate branding).

It was all for nought though, instead of a simple web app (home page, product pages, admin functionality and checkout) the customer wants a cheap and nasty form that emails the details to someone. So much for automation and saving developers from having to maintain the catalogue. Someone get me out of here.

3 Responses to “Did I just say that?”

  1. Nyaaaaah. Wanker. No offence, mate.

  2. LOL, none taken. I deserve a good kicking. :P

  3. Hahhhahahahahaha, you are now fully assimilated and doomed to work in local government for the rest of your days. ;-)

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